As the latest season begins to work towards the final countdown, its time to go out searching for Fortnite telescopes, which you'll need to dance at to tick them off your list of Fortnite Storm Racers challenges for Week 8. We last saw telescopes back in Season 3 of Fortnite, when they were pointing up at the incoming comet that eventually destroyed Dusty Depot and created Dusty Divot – a foreshadowing perhaps of how Fortnite Season 10 is going to end? There are three Fortnite telescope locations on the island, and we've got all of them here for you in this handy guide.
Fortnite Telescope Locations(Image credit: Epic Games)
There are three Fortnite telescopes to be found across the Fortnite map, which we've marked above. These are all on top of inaccessible mountains, so you'll need to either glide down on them from above or build up to their summits in order to access them. Once you reach the Fortnite telescope location, fire up a dance emote and you'll add it to your collection.
Fortnite Telescope - Dusty Depot(Image credit: Epic Games)
To the west of Dusty Divot on a mountain in grid F5, there's a Fortnite telescope along with a wooden chair and cooler nestled near some trees.
Fortnite Telescope - Shifty Shafts(Image credit: Epic Games)
Slightly southeast of Shifty Shafts, at the edge of the snow biome in grid E7, you'll find a solitary Fortnite telescope near three frosty trees.
Fortnite Telescope - Moisty Palms(Image credit: Epic Games)
Southwest of Moisty Palms, on top of one of the desert peaks in grid H9, sits a Fortnite telescope alongside an RV holiday set up and hopefully a couple of handy chests to boot.
So those are the three Fortnite telescope locations you need to visit and dance at. If you Prestige these challenges then you'll need to dance at two different telescopes in a single match, for which we'd suggest using those near Dusty Depot and Shifty Shafts as they're closest together. Attempting this in Team Rumble mode will also make things significantly easier for yourself.
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