They may be a day late, but the second pair of Fortnite Deadpool challenges have now gone live in the game. If you missed them last week, these involve finding Wade Wilson's hidden lair inside the fancy new Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 2 headquarters, using the top secret password to log on to his computer, then ticking off the weekly challenges that appear in the browser. With Deadpool joining Fortnite we knew the antihero would be featuring in this season, and although it hasn't been confirmed yet we reckon that completing all of these tasks will unlock Deadpool as a playable character in Fortnite. If you're ready to work through the Fortnite Deadpool challenges, then we'll begin.
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Where to find the Fortnite Deadpool challengesTo access the Fortnite Deadpool challenges, you need to go to the Battle Pass tab of the main game menu then select the spinning fan next to the steps on the right hand side. This will take you through the vents into Deadpool's hidden lair, which definitely isn't an abandoned toilet. Here, you can select the computer sat on top of the sink, which will then reveal the weekly challenges.
Fortnite Deadpool challenges week 2 Fortnite Deadpool challenges week 2To get started in week 2, the initial Fortnite Deadpool challenge is to find Deadpool's milk carton, which is sat on top of the urinal opposite the computer. Once you've selected that, your next challenge is find Deadpools' chimichangas around HQ.
The first Fortnite Deadpool chimichanga is on the main HQ Battle Pass screen, on the floor below the Challenge Table next to the explosive canister.
The second Fortnite Deadpool chimichanga can be found on Brutus' desk, to the right of his screen under the Agents menu.
The third and final Fortnite Deadpool chimichanga in located on a shelf behind Maya, just to the right of her under the Upgrade Vault menu. Pick up all three and you're done for week 2, collecting the Ride The Corn! spray for your locker.
We'll have more updates over the course of the season as further Fortnite Deadpool challenges unlock, and if you need to catch up on any previous weeks then just scroll down the page.
Fortnite Deadpool challenges week 1 Fortnite Deadpool challenges week 1For week 1, the first Fortnite Deadpool challenge is to find Deadpool's letter to Epic Games, which simply involves selecting the item on the floor towards the bottom left of the screen and reading it.
This then unlocks the second Fortnite Deadpool challenge, which instructs you to not thank the bus driver. Fight your impulse for politeness by avoiding pressing down on the d-pad as you ride in on the battle bus at the start of a match, then you'll be done for week 1 and collecting your banner reward.
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