Fortnite developer Epic Games has rolled out a new patch for the hit battle royale game. Update v11.40 is now live across all platforms and introduces a new way to upgrade certain weapons called "sidegrading."
Thanks to this new feature, you can now modify the Assault Rifle into the Heavy Assault Rifle at upgrade machines in non-competitive playlists. Additionally, Epic has reduced the amount of material it costs to upgrade weapons, while the Flint-Knock Pistol, Shockwave Grenade, and Impulse Grenade have all been added to the Battle Lab.
On top of that, update 11.40 resolves a handful of bugs and other issues in the game. Among other things, Star Wars Achievements display again on the Legacy timeline, and a bug preventing the "visit different bus stops in a single match" challenge from properly tracking progress for certain bus stops has been fixed. You can see the full patch notes, courtesy of Epic's website, below.
Beyond the v11.40 update, Epic has also announced a new line of skins for the game called the Icon Series, the first of which is based on popular Fortnite streamer Ninja. The skin will be added to Fortnite's in-game shop on January 16 alongside a Ninja's Edge Back Bling, Ninja Style Emote, and Dual Katanas Pickaxe.
Season 1 of Fortnite Chapter 2 runs until February 6, so there's still some time to complete any weekly challenges from this season that you may not have gotten around to. If you need help clearing them, you can find maps and guides for the trickier ones in our Fortnite Chapter 2 challenges roundup.
Bug fixes
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Now Playing: Fortnite Update Adds Ninja Skin & "Sidegrading" - GS News Update
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