Last Edited: September 12, 2019 at 12:53 PM
The Fortnite Team Spirit Mission challenges released on September 12, 2019. This mission set contains a total of fourteen challenges along with a handful of exclusive rewards. Our Fortnite Team Spirit challenge guide will include launchpad and reboot van locations, as well as information on how to pet a teammates pet and how to mark an item in Fortnite, along with much more.
Below are all of the Fortnite Team Spirit challenges.
Below are all of the Fortnite Team Spirit challenge rewards.
To complete this challenge, players will need to pet a teammates pet.

As you might have gathered by the list above, the Fortnite Team Spirit challenges are all about working together as a team and that is going to be the easiest way to complete this challenge.
It's pretty straightforward here. All you need to do is pet your teammate's pet. We suggest finding a friend, equipping a pet, and hopping into a game together. To pet a teammate's pet, simply run up behind them and follow the on screen prompt.

If you don't have a pet unlocked from a previous season, you can unlock one by reaching Tier 28 in the Season 10 (X) Battle Pass.
To complete this challenge, players will need to heal a teammate with a Chug Splash in three different matches.

The Chug Splash item came to Fortnite with the v9.30 update in Season 9. It provides a shield boost to everyone in a close radius, by exploding juicy goodness on them. While it only offers a 20 point shield boost to each player, it can be used quickly and serves as a good health boost times of trouble.

You can find Chug Splash locations all over Fortnite. They can be found in virtually every type of supply drop in Fortnite, but perhaps the easiest place to find them is in a chest or as floor loot. The only thing to note with this Fortnite Team Spirit challenge is that you need to be healing a teammate, not yourself, when you're using the Chug Splash.
To complete this challenge, players need to revive a teammate in three different matches.
This challenge can be done in any mode, but there is a simple hack that will make this Team Spirit challenge super simple. All you need to do is join a game with a friend and make sure one of you lands on top of a high building, while the other lands on the ground below.
Simply jump off the top of a building or platform and land in front of your friend. Wait for them to revive you and then switch places. You can then play the rest of the match, or quit the game and queue up a new game to knock out this challenge.
To complete this challenge, players will need to use a launchpad in squads or duos.

While this challenge sounds pretty simple at first, it can actually be kind of annoying if you can't find a launchpad. The good thing about it though is that you simply need to use a launchpad, not place one. So if someone on your team finds a launchpad, you can all use it and launch your way into the next Fortnite Team Spirit challenge.
There are a handful of launchpad locations in Fortnite and they are often found as floor loot, in chests, llamas, and supply drops. There is no trick to finding one, unfortunately. However, if you do come across a supply drop, there is a high chance it will contain a launchpad.
To complete this challenge, players will need to heal a teammate with a Cozy Campfire in three different matches.

Sometimes it's nice to just sit back, relax, and kick your feet up by the fire. However, with this Fortnite Team Spirit challenge, you won't be sitting by the fire to relax, you'll be sitting by the fire to save your life. The only trick to this challenge is finding a Cozy Campfire.

It's currently unclear if the preset campfires will count as a Cozy Campfire, so we will update this guide when we know for sure. However, there are plenty of Cozy Campfire item locations in Fortnite that can be found as floor loot, in chests, llamas, and supply drops. Like the launchpads, the easiest way to complete this challenge is to search a supply drop, which will likely contain Cozy Campfire.
To complete this challenge, players will need to mark a chest, a shield item, and a healing item in a single match.

This challenge is pretty simple, as long as you know how to mark an item in Fortnite. Thankfully, it's super simple. To mark an item on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in Fortnite, press left on the D-Pad. For those on PC, you can mark an item by pressing the middle mouse button.

If for some reason you're unable to mark an item in Fortnite, you'll likely need to adjust your settings. To do that, simply pause the game, select settings, and scroll down until you see "Pings, Markers and Indicators." Make sure that is set to "On" and you'll be good to go.
To complete this challenge, players will need to reboot a teammate.

The Reboot Vans were added to Fortnite with the v8.30 update in Season 8. They allow players to come back into the game if a teammate picks up their reboot card after they have died. There are a handful of Reboot Van locations in Fortnite, which can be seen in the map below.

As you approach one of the Reboot Van locations, simply run up to it and interact with it to reboot a teammate.
An easy way to complete his challenge is similar to the method used for the revive a teammate challenge. All you need to do is join a game with a friend and have them jump off something high and bleed out. From there, you can pick up their card and take it to a reboot van and complete this Fortnite Team Spirit Mission challenge.
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