Pet the cute little doggie.
Epic GamesDeveloper Epic Games has changed how challenges work in Fortnite season 10, aka season X. Instead of daily challenges, there are Limited Time Mission Objectives that unlock a new objective every day. Weekly challenges are now simply the Battle Pass Missions, which, as the name states, are available for season 10 Battle Pass owners. Completing missions will unlock additional content and earn Battle Stars to reach tier 100 on the pass.
Another big change in Fortnite's new season is the inclusion of Prestige missions. Once a set of challenges is completed, players can choose to redo the tasks. Each mission will consist of a similar requirement, though at a higher difficulty.
Team Spirit challenges
Team Spirit Challenges for Fortnite season 10.
EpicFortnite season 10, week 7 challenges don't have much of a "challenge" to them. In fact, this is one of the easiest weeks for players if you can find a buddy to play with. All of the Team Spirit challenges require a teammate and are very straightforward.
Below are the easy challenges for the week followed by two tasks that require a bit more work:
Epic added pets in Fortnite season 6. The unique back blings were unlockable via the Battle Pass and have been put on sale in the Item Shop every so often. For this challenge, players must be in a team as this will not work with random opponents. One teammate will need to equip the pet and once the ot her teammate is close enough to it, a prompt will come up to pet the pet using the respective interact button. It's a quick task as long as both players have a pet back bling.
Mark an uncommon, rare, and epic itemMarking is a way for teammates to indicate something on the map. This can be a certain spot to go to or for this task, equipment. To mark an item, PC players will need to press the middle mouse button while console players will use up on the D-pad. Uncommon items have green labels, rare have blue and epic items will be in purple. Join a team and make sure to mark items to complete this challenge.
Team Spirit prestige challengesAs mentioned above, these Team Spirit challenges are straightforward and require a teammate to complete.
In season 8, Epic added the ability to revive dead teammates, or "reboot," to the game via Reboot Vans found on the island. For this challenge, a player will have to let their teammate die and then head to a van for a reboot. This will take some time to complete so players will need to keep an eye out during the process.
Summer Slurp challenges
Fortnite season 10 Summer Slurp challenges
EpicThese missions will unlock over the course of the next seven days. Each day will have a new mission to complete. Rewards for completing these tasks include experience points, Battle Stars and a loading screen that hints to a hidden Battle Star.

The Welcome to Pandora challenges for the Borderlands 3 crossover event
Epic GamesTo promote the upcoming release of Borderlands 3 on Sept. 13, Epic launched a new crossover, Fortnite X Mayhem. A set of challenges for the event went live Tuesday. Some of the quests consist of collecting chests and eliminating players in the newly transformed Pandora now found in Paradise Palms. Two of the missions, however, require a bit more work to complete.
Where to find Claptrap's missing eyeClaptrap -- the quick-talking, somewhat creepy, big ego, lovable robot from the Borderlands series -- is located under the Welcome to Pandora sign at the southwest part of Paradise Palms, just off the main road.

Claptrap is just relaxing under the Welcome to Pandora sign in Paradise Palms.
Epic GamesHis eye can be found in a Borderlands-looking shack near the southern tip of Paradise Palms. You can find it in front of the TV inside the building. Grab it and then head back to Claptrap to complete the challenge.

Where to find Claptrap's missing eye
Epic Games Where to find Vault symbolsAcross the new Pandora Rift Zone are five spray-painted Vault symbols, which are synonymous with the Borderlands franchise.

One of the Vault symbols found in Fortnite
Epic GamesPlayers can find them on walls, signs and container boxes. The map below shows the location of the five but only three are needed to complete the challenge.

A map to find the five Vault symbols
Epic GamesRewards for completing challenges include new loading screens that offer a hint to a hidden Battle Star located somewhere on the island. These stars won't appear unless you've completed all the challenges for the week.

The loading screen for Fortnite season 10, week 1
Epic GamesThe hint in this screen is the scratching above the character's head, which shows D2, D3, E2, E3. This represents a particular spot on the map, which is to the southeast of the Block. Look for a patch of dirt on a hill, and if you've completed all of the challenges for week 1, the hidden Battle Star will appear.

Where to find the season 10, week 1 Battle Star
Epic GamesThe week 2 loading screen's hint is in the top left of the image. The knife and fork represent the holes in the ground with similar shapes found between Fatal Fields and Salty Springs. The hidden Battle Star is between the two holes and will appear once all of the week 2 challenges are done.

The loading screen for week 2 of Fortnite season 10
Epic Games
Where to find the hidden Battle Star for week 2
Epic GamesWeek 3's loading screen features the Leftovers, and the secret to finding this Battle Star is the bus in the background.

The week 3 loading screen
Epic GamesOn the truck is the mascot of the Softdeez ice cream shop. The shop is found across the street from the racetrack in Paradise Palms. If you completed all the challenges, the star will appear.

Where to search to find the week 3 Battle Star
Epic GamesThe clue in the week 4 loading screen is a little hard to see unless you increase the size of the image.

Look at the stone tablet for the location of the loading screen.
Epic GamesThe stone at the right corner of the image shows four coordinates: I2, I3, J2 and J3. This spot is to the northeast of Sunny Steps. Walking to that location with all of the week's challenges completed will trigger the appearance of the hidden Battle Star.

Where to go to find the week 4 Battle Star
Epic GamesWeek 1 Challenges
Week 2 Challenges
Week 3 Challenges
Week 4 Challenges
Week 5 Challenges
Week 6 Challenges
Fortnite is available on PS4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PC and Android and iOS devices.
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